Home News Before the elections to the US Congress, there is a decline in the reputation of the Democrats

Before the elections to the US Congress, there is a decline in the reputation of the Democrats

by usanews

On the eve of the imminent elections to the US Congress, which should be held on November 2 of this year, the Party of Republicans strengthened its position regarding the Democratic Party. According to the results of the CNN television company, the latest survey, which was supported by the Analytical Corporation, Opinion Research, on average, democrats are 7% behind the country.

On September 1 and 2, a telephone survey was conducted, in which 1024 adult citizens of America took part. The main respondents asked by the question was: “For a representative of which party, democratic or republican, they would have vote in the upcoming elections to Congress?”In this case, it is clearly visible that the question asked was almost completely devoid of specifics. So, it turns out that people who accepted in the survey were invited to choose not a specific candidate, but one of two parties.

As a result, 52% of respondents supported the Republican Party, and 45% of the respondents – democratic. CNN recall that last month, the democrats lagged behind the Republicans by only 3%.

The second task of the survey was to determine the degree of unpopularity of these parties among the American population. As a result, it turned out that 49% of respondents have a negative attitude towards both parties. The rest of the respondents did not vote for any of these parties, thereby preferring to vote for other political associations.

However, among those respondents who have a neutral attitude to both parties, sympathies to the Republicans were revealed. So 62% of respondents are ready to vote for representatives of this party, while for democrats – only 30%. Based on the results of last month, Republicans ahead of the democrats by only 8%.

CNN notes that most respondents do not motivate their support to the party’s Republican with a negative attitude towards Barack Obama’s policy (Democrat). Only 24 % of respondents clarified that the position they have chosen in the upcoming elections in the election means a protest against Obama’s policy.

In conclusion, we note that today the democratic participants in Congress, together with the president’s office, are harshly criticized for holding a number of unjustified reforms. So, Barack Obama and his supporters are reproached for the unfinished health care reform, the insolvent struggle with unemployment and in many. DR.

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