Home News Nikolai Azarov: Fools lead and steal – so we have bad roads

Nikolai Azarov: Fools lead and steal – so we have bad roads

by usanews

The root of all trouble!

On the wire, the Ukrainian government represented by his own chairman, who lit up on the TV on the show on the show, quickly quickly returning on the Internet, Savik Shuster. That is, Nikolai Yanovich Azarov on the wire, dear in all senses of the word and his own person.

However, citizen Azarov turned to face the classics and told why “two troubles: fools and roads” so closely intertwined in ecstasy in the vast Nenki-Ukrainian. And, noteworthy, he called the perpetrators in this “Kamasutra”.

Here is a kind of own company’s company announcement of a citizen Azarov: “Why are bad roads in Ukraine? Because fools control and steal “. It could be perceived that the Azarov citizen suddenly succumbed to the paroxysm of passionate self -criticism, but he immediately with the logical directness of the career bulldozer proved that he himself was not a fool, and in his subordination, fools in a vanishly small number. And steal-just a little bit, so this is not considered.

And then the question arose to the entire width of the Japanese butt, so who is to blame, if no one is to blame?!!

And they are to blame for everything … “Bades”! And the request do not laugh! This, like, in serious citizen Azarov issued. Moreover, the “bastards” are communist! Which built us roads not according to technology of the 21st century, as it should now be, but by obsolete, in technology of the 20th century… Like, we did not calculate that we will let such a cargo flow along and roads. Like, they got into a concrete pillow (only 70 centimeters in thickness) under the canvas and the triple layer of asphalt. And now this is the cunning of a citizen Azarov, who is not a fool, and his entire government, which almost does not steal. Here.

Well, there was still about money … like, 16 billion hryvnias last year spent on the roads last year, and 1 kilometer of the same road costs 40 million hryvnias, which is incredibly cheap compared to the same Germany. Both Polydy and Types.

And one more logical interest was given by our logical Prime Minister Citizen Azarov. Like, they drove it according to our “Avtrada” Kyiv-Odessa. And – penetrated. Like, citizen Azarov understood that it should be repaired. Moreover, capital. And here the suspicion creeps up … We have already raped this route “Over the clock. Type, according to “Technologies of the 21st century”, yeah. “Contributors” from the communist era can not be sewn to this matter … Well, yes, thank God, after them other “paceders” are available. So you will have to allocate a couple of billions from the budget for them. So that for sure.

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