Elderly people are characterized by some changes in the body, among which one can note the deterioration of the quality of the teeth and a decrease in intelligence, which begins with a deterioration in memory. Together, scientists from Norway and Sweden were able to find out that there is a relationship between these phenomena.
Earlier, none of the scientists considered it necessary to look for the relationship between the two most common signs of the aging of the human body – toothless mouth and sclerosis. However, in our time, scientists were found, who were interested in two parallel developing process: the destruction of teeth and memory. They were researchers representing two Swedish universities (UMEA University and Stockholm University in Sweden), as well as their colleagues from the Norway from the Institute of Clinical Dentistry (Institute of Clinical Dentistry in Trumpsently, Norway), which periodically visit the Center for Raurous qualifications to improving indicators of your work.
The study by them was attended by 273 women and men in the age range from 55 to 80. According to the calculations made, on average, 22 teeth were on one subject, which is 10 less than the average healthy young man, although many modern people have only 28 instead of the due to 32 teeth. All people participating in the experiment took place special tests in order to determine their ability to memorize one or another new information, followed by its reproduction after different segments of time. In addition, all participants had to recall the events from the past in detail.
According to the authors of the study, the number of teeth directly influenced the quality and number of remembrance of the memoirs of both new information and old material extracted from storage facilities. Elderly people with the largest number of teeth that have been preserved could boast of a 4% best memory than their peers, who had the number of teeth the smallest.
It is interesting that the presence of artificial teeth, although somewhat improved the results, but neither with expensive implants, nor with cheap insertion jaws to achieve the same effect as in a person with healthy teeth it was not possible to achieve.
According to the authors of the study, the cause of such a phenomenon may be a deficiency of vitamins and many other beneficial substances that ensure the full function of the brain, since, as a rule, toothless people are forced to limit the amount of healthy food in the form of vegetables and fruits due to their hardness.