There were times in history when a woman could “stop the horse for a gallop”, and go to the “burning hut”. The times when women fought with men on a par and won. With all their sophistication of the mind, women ruled a house, a settlement, and even a whole state. One of them is Olga, Igor’s wife from Ancient Rus’.
In the annals of history there are few notes on how Olga and Igor met. During the reign of the Kyiv Prince, Rus’ was inhabited by wild settlements, there were no military training as such, the men took up arms and went to war. Women were often subjected to violence, robbery, raid on the cattle that they grazed and guarded. Olga saw all this and could not do anything, but she was lucky: Igor noticed her as a woman and led her down the aisle.
In 945, Igor was killed on a campaign, Olga officially remained a widow with a young son Svyatoslav. She did not have to languish alone for a long time: the killers of her husband sent ambassadors, hoping to agree on a wedding and, accordingly, of the proper inheritance – the land of the Kyiv prince. Supervisably luring them into the yard, Olga ordered to throw ambassadors into the hole and bury them alive. Other noble ambassadors died the same ruthless death: they burned in the bathhouse, waiting for the princess.
The thirst for revenge for the deceased husband did not leave Olga. Increased women died from the revenge of the princess, children. Blinded by the desire to take revenge Olga moved on a campaign next year. Under the Iskiysteni, Olga’s detachment set up a camp after a failed siege. But here Olga did not think for a long time: she convinced the townspeople to remove the siege, on condition that every citizen sends her a dove. Olga looked at the burning city for a long time, whose fire was brought by pigeons with attached burning drones to each paw.
As a frantic avenger, Olga did not forget about other state affairs: she taxed the captured lands by tax. For the first time in history, the woman put things in order – Rus’ flourished under the princess. Diplomatically built relations with the outside world. Talented actress, Olga could achieve completely with her whole cunning, resourcefulness. The princess died, never getting married. In adulthood, she changed her faith from the pagan to a Christian. The son of the princess, Svyatoslav went on a campaign, 3 days before her death.
A woman has valuable qualities: mind, cunning, partial diplomacy, but the ruler must maintain composure in any situation and sensibly assess the situation, avoiding the bloodshed of innocent victims.